legal process, judicial process, functions and principles of judicial process, civil, criminal, administrative, economic judicial process.Abstract
Provision of human rights and freedoms, social, legal and economic protection of citizens is included in the most important functions of the state by the Constitution of Ukraine. It is the rights and freedoms of people and their guarantees that determine the content and direction of state activity, and their consolidation and provision is the main duty of the state. This scientific article is devoted to the study of the concept, principles and types of judicial process. The judicial process is a key component of the legal system of each country and is defined as a system of legal procedures and actions aimed at resolving court cases and conflicts. The article examines the main aspects of this process, including its essence, purpose and functions. Researchers analyze the concept of judicial process in the context of different legal systems and compliance with the principles of fairness, accessibility, speed and openness. An important aspect is the determination of the basic principles governing the judicial process, such as the principles of fair trial, confrontation, legal services, etc. In addition, the article examines various types of legal proceedings, including civil, criminal, economic and administrative proceedings. Each of these types has its own characteristics, procedures and rules, which are determined by the relevant laws and regulations. The article calls for a deeper understanding of the judicial process, its role in the legal system, and the importance of ensuring justice and legal order in society. Research on this topic is important for improving the judicial system and ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens.
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