ethics, professional activity, judge, norms, authority, litigation, justice.Abstract
The article examines the ethical conduct of a judge in a trial that must meet high standards of professional conduct in order to build civil society’s credibility and respect for justice. The judge should constantly improve his / her ethical behavior in court, develop such qualities as self-control, emotional orientation, tact, discipline. At the same time, the judicial corps is constantly under the supervision of the public, because the profession of judge is quite specific, first of all, because each judge is personally a personification of justice in the state, and therefore voluntarily assumes enormous restrictions on his behavior, and therefore must behave impeccably, the timing of justice and extrajudicial activity, as this requires a high status of a judge in society. The specific character of the activity of the subject of potential corruption practices in the court system is analyzed, as well as the necessity of preserving the dignity of position and safety. In the administration of justice, the courts are independent of any unlawful influence. Courts administer justice on the basis of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine and the rule of law. It is emphasized that representatives of the judicial system should behave in such a way as to avoid a conflict of interest, that is, the presence of contradictions between a person’s private interest and his official or representative powers, which affects the objectivity or impartiality of decision-making or the performance or non-performance of actions during execution their powers. It is noted that the development and observance of high standards of behavior and ethical principles are vitally important bases for the fair administration of justice, guarantees of the protection of judges from undue influence, and at the same time factors that contribute to increasing public confidence in the judicial system.
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