environmental rights, employee, employer, responsibility, harmful and dangerous working conditions, trade unionAbstract
An important component of the modern approach to the protection of the natural environment and ensuring labor safety at enterprises, institutions, and organizations is the environmental rights of employees. They are aimed at providing employees with safe and healthy working conditions, as well as at reducing the negative impact of production factors on the employee’s body when performing work associated with harmful and difficult working conditions. When hiring an employee, employers must provide transparent and complete information about harmful working conditions at the workplace. Ensuring occupational safety is an important component of the management of enterprises and organizations in order to preserve the life, health and well-being of employees. This process includes developed measures aimed at prevention and minimization of industrial risks at the workplace. The right to participate in the management of the enterprise, in terms of ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, in addition to employees, is also granted to the representative body – the trade union, which, according to the legislation, has the right to protect and represent employees whose rights have been violated. Trade unions and employees have the right to participate in decision-making processes related to the protection of the natural environment within the workplace. Their opinions and help should be taken into account when implementing environmental initiatives and measures. The employer’s duty is to ensure safe working conditions and take measures to prevent possible negative effects on the health of employees due to the company’s activities. Employers must systematically conduct risk assessments to identify hazards and take measures to prevent them. When risks are identified for the employee during the performance of his work duties, employers must take measures to reduce and eliminate them. Separately, we draw attention to the employer’s obligation to develop a clear occupational safety policy that takes into account the needs of a specific enterprise or organization through the prism of conducting training, briefings and their constant monitoring. Through the prism of legislation, the responsibility of the subjects of labor relations for acquired occupational diseases or injuries related to environmental risks at the workplace, which must be recognized and compensated, was analyzed.
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