


social state, social legislation, social rights, legal state, social function of the state.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the constitutional and legal foundations of the process of forming social statehood in Ukraine, their improvement, as well as the search for effective mechanisms for building a social state in Ukraine. It was established that one of the reasons for choosing the welfare state model was the realization that a stateorganized society must ensure a certain continuity in terms of its security in the face of such serious risks as aging, illness or job loss. The state is developing a system of measures aimed at smoothing out social contradictions in society, ensuring social progress, and giving everyone the opportunity to manage their abilities. One of the priorities of the state social policy is the creation of conditions for the qualitative development of human potential, healthy and dignified life of the population. It has been proven that legal methods play an extremely important role in the system of state regulation of social policy. Its legal regulation provides a purposeful influence on the behavior and activities of people, and through them on social relations. The main elements of legal methods are legal norms, state orders and acts of application of law, legal relations, acts of realization of rights and obligations. The author comes to the conclusion that although the principles of the welfare state are ensured at the constitutional and legislative level, the implementation of the social policy does not ensure social protection of Ukrainian citizens at the level of a true European welfare state. The question of granting Ukraine the status of a welfare state remains a real challenge for the state authorities, and the task of experts is to find effective ways of its formation. An important means of ensuring the status of a welfare state is the observance of constitutional principles in the social sphere. In this context, the issue of ensuring sustainable implementation of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine also becomes relevant, since it is obvious that the relevant position of the said institution regarding social security issues does not prevent further violations of the Constitution in similar legal situations.


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