European law, system of international law, form of law, sources of lawAbstract
The article examines theoretical issues, peculiarities and specific features of the legal system of the European Union, its role and place in the system of international law. The political and economic aspect of the influence on the functioning of the legal system of the European Union is analyzed. A special place is given to the analysis of whether the legal system of the European Union is part of the international legal system or falls more under the criteria of domestic law. It has been proven that the Law of the European Union is an autonomous legal order, independent of international law. This does not mean that the European Union cannot be a party to international treaties. The European Union as an international organization that has individual legal capacity, has procedural legal personality, can sign international treaties (ius tratatuum), has diplomatic law (ius legationis) – the right to send and receive diplomatic representatives of third countries, as well as the right to join international organizations. The purpose of this scientific article is to study the basic elements of the law of the European Union, as well as to determine its role in the system of international law in order to formulate scientifically based conclusions and proposals. The author comes to the conclusion that the law of the European Union and international law closely interact with each other, with the expansion of the participation of European integration organizations in international legal relations, the influence of international law on EU law also increases. The basic principles of international law, the norms of a number of universal multilateral and bilateral international treaties and community agreements have become an integral part of the EU legal system with the deepening of European integration, the level and form of interaction between the norms of European law and the law of the European Union is becoming more dynamic and complex.
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