model, proactivity, crime, interaction, community, problem-solving, crime analysisAbstract
The article is dedicated to researching and highlighting the relationship between Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) and various other proactive policing models, including: Community Policing, the CompStat model (computerized statistical model of police activity), Intelligence-led Policing (ILP), Broken Windows Policing (focusing on minor offenses to prevent major crimes), Predictive Policing, and Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS). It has been established that Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) is a strategy focusing on the systematic and in-depth analysis of the causes of specific crime problems and threats. The goal is to prepare individualized responses that maximize the effectiveness of both overt and covert law enforcement resources. This model differs from traditional incident response by providing law enforcement with tools for proactively identifying and addressing the root causes of problems. It has been determined that Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) is a powerful tool for addressing specific crime and public safety issues that concern individual communities. This model is closely linked with other proactive policing models but possesses unique characteristics specific to it. Understanding these interrelationships allows law enforcement agencies to develop more effective strategies for ensuring citizen safety by considering individual issues within the operational environment.
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