


living wage, social state, infrastructure, social welfare, social insurance, social worker, social guarantees of the state


In this article the author analyzes the content and conceptual characteristics of “social security” concept, the system of social security and the main ways of its improvement. It is emphasized that social infrastructure as a necessary condition for the full functioning of the socio-economic system is supported by a properly organized social security system. At the level of EU legislation, the “social security” concept is associated with all interventions by public or private organizations aimed at relieving households and individuals from the burden caused by certain types of risks or needs, in the absence of simultaneous mutual or individual agreements. The strategy of digital transformation of the social sphere defines social security as a system of state-supplied economic, social and organizational measures aimed at supporting the most vulnerable segments of the population (pensioners, persons with disabilities, war veterans, large families, orphans, children deprived of parental care, children in difficult life circumstances and other categories entitled to state assistance and benefits in accordance with the law). At the conceptual and theoretical level, it can be concluded that social security is a set of measures and means of an organizational, legal and socio-economic nature carried out by public and/or private entities, in order to ensure the socially safe existence of a person as the highest social value and an integral element of social existence, by preventing, reducing or eliminating social risks, as well as meeting human needs in the social sphere. The structure of social security in Ukraine consists of the following elements: 1) social welfare – budgetary assistance to certain categories of population; 2) social insurance – assistance of non-budgetary structures to neutralize insurance cases; 3) state social guarantees – budgetary financing of enterprises with the aim of compensating for the lost income; 4) social assistance. Three levels of the social security system in Ukraine are distinguished: institutional, law enforcement, of direct interaction. The article outlines current proposals on the ways to improve the social security system in Ukraine.


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